Founder KAAH Geoservices

Words from the person who nominated Kim:

Within approximately a two-three-year period during Covid19, Dr (Prof) Kim Hein has re-established herself out of Academia into her own specialist field as a Director & Owner at a global level. She moved across countries from South Africa to the Netherland i.e., Moving her home (which she also totally renovated during this time). She created and stabilized a new business and focused on creating higher value services within her specialist field. She has created a new social and business network to teach, train and coach and elevate younger specialists. Kudos to Dr Kim Hein!


Longevity is a mega trend impacting life for all of us. We asked Kim what this means to her and what she does to impact change in this field of work:

Longevity: it means I go on living, dreaming, loving and working in the career I love by free will and as a right, towards a better future for others, without imposed limitations, discriminations or coercions of any kind. I took early retirement from Wits University in 2018 with the resolution to finish that phase of my life, but with the determination to follow another branch of my career. I moved to the Netherlands and solidified a geological consulting company, which services the minerals exploration and mining industry in West Africa. It is legacy work that I love.
