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You are not alone! Become a member of our 50Plus-Skills community to help you make the most of this next stage in your life.


Who is 50Plus-Skills?

We are a group of passionate South Africans who have brought together our skills, resources, and time to build a community to benefit economic growth in South Africa.

This community can provide a platform for individuals, aged fifty plus, to connect with and provide their skills, time and services to business, civil society, academic institutions, NPOs and government.

Empower Retiring Employees

We offer retirement workshops and coaching to ensure your retiring employees remain committed and passionate in their roles and leave a legacy that they are proud of

Our process

Join our community through an annual or monthly subscription. (There are various options for individuals, NPOs and corporates.) Contribute to making our country better.

Income Opportunities

Select full-time/part-time work opportunities. As a member you get first sight of new opportunities. Advertise your own products and services to the large and growing 50Plus market

Life Long Learning

Learn about this next phase of your life from community members, local and international thought leaders. Select technology courses designed for our age to help you connect with loved ones

Skilled, Experienced Mature People

Our community has many passionate people giving back to society, helping businesses and NPOs through fulltime/parttime involvement, mentoring and coaching, and assisting and learning from youth via intergenerational conversations


Reviews and testmonials

~Age Diversity Benefits Economic Growth~


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