CEO Dementia SA

Words from the person who nominated Karen:

Karen has gone to great personal lengths to try to raise awareness of one of the less pleasant but very real consequences of longevity, namely dementias. She is a tireless advocate of those living with dementia and through her efforts many families and individuals have been assisted. Karen is the founder of Dementia SA and provides social work services and training in support of those who are dealing with this challenge


Longevity is a mega trend impacting life for all of us. We asked Karen what this means to her and what she does to impact change in this field of work:

Alzheimer’s disease is the most common form of Dementia amongst the almost 100-different types. Although Alzheimer’s disease was discovered in 1906 by Dr Alois Alzheimer, 116 years later we are no closer to understanding how we can reverse or arrest memory and cognitive decline at any age. The challenge is that age is a major risk factor in developing a dementia. However, especially in South Africa, we are also no closer to formulating better health care policies, services and policies that will provide for a changing and enabling ageing network. Our ageist thinking still prevails where we should be retiring at a certain age! Ageing today is fluid and we can continue to learn, earn, and participate long after the traditional age of retirement. Learning new skills, challenging limiting beliefs, meaningful engagement with others, our family, faith, and our environment, are the pillars I believe to a long and abundant life


Dementia SA

Dementia SA has a vision to create: “A social conscience about dementia in South Africa, with respect and dignity for those affected.”

As a leading South African authority on all forms of dementia, Dementia SA strives to minimize the impact that dementia has on individuals, families, and communities.

We take an innovative approach to service delivery that includes all the people in South Africa that need assistance with dementia.

Dementia SA is a leading provider of awareness information, education, and support services to those affected by dementia.

We vigorously advocate for the rights and dignity of those living with dementia. All services are supported by ongoing research.
